My Christmas Trail in Singapore - The Top 5 Places to Visit

Christmas is here! Like every other year, I was really excited to celebrate the festival with family and friends. The season is not about religion but about meeting friends, catching up with people after long period of time and about celebrating life. In Singapore, it coincides with school holidays and people do take some time off from work to spend quality time with family. 2020 was different. We have restrictions due to Covid and mass gatherings are still prohibited. But the spirit of festivities and holidays remains within us and we do want to feel good in sullen times. Even I took some time off to spend with family and friends and explore Singapore (given the border restrictions). Idea was to utilize what we are blessed with instead of whining about what we don't have. With Singapore Government granting SG Rediscover vouchers to all Singaporean adults above 18, there is just no reason not to spend. Here is the list of places I visited to enjoy the Christmas spirit, light...