Kota Kinabalu - New Year Road Trip

December is the most favourable holiday season globally. It is a time when people take things slow, enjoy festivities, make time for one another and celebrate the hope of a new year dawn bringing new opportunities and positivities in life. Many of the offices are closed, children get school holidays, and with the occasion, the travel fares and tariffs increase worldwide. We narrowed down our December holiday plans to Kota Kinabalu, a small town in the state of Sabah (Malaysia). There were multiple reasons behind the choice. 1) It is not a common or a popular destination. People have been swarming to Europe / US post covid to fulfil travel fantasies. This leads to lesser crowds even in the most touristy locations. 2) Because of its low popularity, the airfares and hotel tariffs were comparatively lower. 3) It was winters! I am a big fan of enjoying cold weather, and I cant resist wearing winter wear and enjoying cool breeze on my face. Temperatures dipped to 10-12 degrees in the ni...